A Moment From De Sales

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Get Ready to Meet Jesus Now -- He is Waiting!

Dorothy, an 83 year old living in assisted care, expressed to me these thoughts- “I worry so much about Jesus coming to get me.  I hope Jesus finds what He’s looking for, and finds me ready to leave this good earth and follow Him to heaven.”  I said Dorothy: “Don’t you know Jesus is already here, and that He already knows exactly what’s going on.”  She looked at me curiously. “Dorothy, I continued, perhaps the following questions might answer your concerns.  She perked up in her bed and looked right at me.

I then said: "Since Jesus is already here and walking with us--What are we doing right now to make him comfortable in our homes?  Are we using the gifts given us to share with others on this earth?  And will Jesus be pleased at the way we love the people He placed in our lives?”  I went on, "for you see Dorothy, we don’t get ready to meet Jesus on our last day, rather, we get ready each and every day we have, for Jesus lives with us in every one of our present moments.”

While the answer may have startled Dorothy, it is certainly real and true.  For example, think back to Jesus’ visit to the home of Martha and Mary.  Martha chooses to scurry around in the kitchen--getting the meal ready for Jesus, while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus.

Mary was intently looking into the face of Jesus hanging on His every word.   For nothing else, at that present moment for Mary, was more important than looking into Jesus’ face and hearing what He had to say right there and then! Mary gave Jesus her rapt attention.

So the very real question for us remains, what are we doing now to meet Jesus in our present moment?  Like Mary, do we realize that He is with us, walks with us, and participates right now in this place and space?  We must strive to make Jesus feel at home and to understand that how we respond to His presence can help us, as it can Dorothy, to be ready for that final present moment when Jesus comes to take us to His home.

Someone once asked St. Francis De Sales, if he were told that he was going to die in a little while, what would he do?  He replied: “I would keep on doing what I am doing now.  There is no better way to meet Our Savior than in this present moment where I am.”  St. Francis de Sales gave a confident-filled answer.  I wonder if we, being asked this same question, would show such confidence and keep doing what we’re doing right now?

Well, Jesus is--right now--in our present moment wherever we live!  We need to act like Mary and make Him feel at home, as this is our very best way to prepare.  I think Dorothy was convinced--are we?