A Moment From De Sales

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Flawed and Gifted

Many things about Jesus make Him appealing, but one outstanding gift is the power of His personal example.  Jesus is what He preaches and what He teaches–and we look for this same personal example in all leaders, teachers, and preachers.  Because when we see rather than hear, we know it declares their integrity.

Actions, as we all heard our mothers say, speak louder than words.  We want to see, through our leaders example what they’re asking of us. As Scripture shows us, Jesus “walked the talk route,” and when He suggested “come follow me,” He soon had a multitude of persuaded followers.

As Jesus’ followers today, we can have the same personal power.  If we want others to follow Jesus, we need to be brimming with personal integrity.  We can’t simply state “Jesus is my personal savior,” and then by our choices or silence, live our daily lives as if we never heard a word Jesus uttered.  The right choices or speaking out, especially in today’s world, can be difficult and even bring cruel results.  Pope Francis stands out as a good example of this kind of leader in today’s world

To be a follower of Jesus, we have to be transparent.  This means transforming our lives from deep within and learning in the process who we truly are.  This “whole me” includes a mixed bundle of flaws and gifts.  We learn what they all are, accept how they work, and then learn to manage them on a daily basis.  What we should never do in life is give up.  Instead, we bow before our Redeemer and with His nearness, trust in His help.   

Why?  Because Jesus needs our gifts to complete the building of His kingdom.  This is why Jesus forgives and heals rather than punishes.  He can use our gifts when and where needed.  They are our worthy contributions we make during our lifetime.  Jesus already knows we have both flaws and gifts when He calls us to follow Him.  He helps us grow and we in turn help His kingdom flourish.

Over time and through each present moment we live, we grow personally in holiness and the kingdom thrives.  Once we accept our frailties, the realization that Jesus still needs and desires our gifts keeps us eager to stay faithful.

We begin humbled but grow in confidence knowing that Jesus is on our side.  He calls us ever forward into His light and life.  Jesus doesn’t want self-loathing followers but those who stay hope-filled.  We have a role to play in God’s creation. We fulfill it when we share our gifts, experience the nearness of Jesus, and stay open to the Holy Spirit.

As our personal goodness flourishes, the personal integrity we admire in Jesus will be seen in us – flaws, gifts and all.