Putting on Christ:  What does this mean?

Putting on Christ: What does this mean?

How often have we heard this expression: “We have to put on Christ?”  As an average everyday Christian, did you ever wonder how we actually do this?  After some thought, I offer the following as a possible way to accomplish this. We believe that Christ came to restore a sense of hope and to fill our days on this earth with joy.  After all, Jesus Christ died and rose from death so that our ending here would be a happy one.  

Remember, God the Father wanted all created beings to have a second chance. Jesus came to do just that.  Now, thanks to Jesus, our ending is to be with His Father forever.  This means we can live these in-between years with an attitude of joy and hope knowing the wonderful gift Jesus gave us.

When we wear this Hope and Joy in our daily lives we put on Christ.  This cloak of hope and joy is ours no matter what each day brings. It’s our reminder that Jesus cares and continues to care.  Putting on Christ every day is a garment that keeps us optimistic and confident no matter what we face on our path that day and every day thereafter.

In the Scriptures, we see many occasions where Jesus wants to make humans happy.  Do you remember His miracle at the wedding of Cana?  This miracle was not about healing lepers, casting out demons, or restoring life to a dead person.  Rather, it was about saving a newly married couple from embarrassment.  When the wine ran out at the reception, Jesus changed water into wine to bring back joy to the festivities.  This is a perfect example of putting on Christ. When we can help another person receive joy and hope into their lives, we are putting on Christ.

When we help a neighbor find hope in a sad situation, we are putting on Christ. When we surprise a friend who just received bad news with an invitation to have lunch or bring light to a dark place in a friend’s life by listening when no one else is near, we are putting on Christ.  In all of these small human acts we have put on Christ and Jesus lives through us. 

To do this, we have to embrace Christ ourselves and breathe in His joy and spread His message of hope.  For when we put on Christ in our difficult times, we can better help others do the same.

When it comes to putting on Christ, this cloak is a one size fits all.  All that we have to do is simply find the trust and the courage to wear His message. When we do, Christ is delighted for He is seen walking on this earth through us.

We all count the same. We really do!

We all count the same. We really do!

Those who go stay and those who stay go.

Those who go stay and those who stay go.