Finding True Freedom on this Fourth of July!

Finding True Freedom on this Fourth of July!


Majestically overlooking New York harbor, the Statue of Liberty proclaims these eloquent words: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free . . ." Simple words, yet they ignited passion and determination in every incoming immigrant's heart even to this Independence Day 2015. To guide these new arrivals , a welcoming America offered the great torch of freedom as their first gift.

We know from later stories, perhaps from our own relatives how many of them did become free, and fulfilled their dreams. While many more today, still wait to be handed that sought after torch to realize their own dream of freedom.

When we think of liberty, doesn’t each of us yearn for the hope it brings? Whether we are poor, rich, homeless or just plain tired, we want to be free to enjoy happiness.

The Lord Jesus also came to give us this very gift. He wanted us to be spiritually free. He wanted us to remove all barriers and obstacles that smothers the Lord’s voice calling us to a holy life and giving the grace to choose it. When we embrace Jesus, we hold a great torch of freedom

Yet in countless ways, we don’t grab hold of this torch. We go it alone making poor choices and choosing unsafe activities. These hold us captive instead of freeing our hearts and lifting our souls to choose true happiness.

Unlike these risking immigrants, we don’t grasp the torch that lights the way to a new world. Yet even in this present moment, this dream for spiritual freedom is still possible.

As we celebrate Independence Day, we pray anew to hold firmly this torch that frees our hearts to love and embraces all strangers we meet along our way.

We find courage in these words:


"God calls us to Himself and is watching to see how we are doing and will never allow anything to happen which is not for our greater good."  De Sales

Look at what is before your eyes. If you are confident that you belong to Christ, remind yourself of this that just as you belong to Christ so also do we.  2 Corinthians (10:7-8;Paul)

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