Jesus Heals Even When He Sleeps

Jesus Heals Even When He Sleeps


In the midst of a hot summer afternoon, we can almost be certain a thunderstorm will appear bringing high winds, intimidating darkness, ferocious thunderclaps and the staccato flashes of lightening! When this “perfect” storm arrives, everyone dashes for cover and safety.  We wait undercover and wonder “what is the purpose of all this fury?  It does nothing but disrupt life, destroy property, and spread fear.”  And as we wait the storm out, we continue to ponder--“What’s God’s plan around this disruption and what’s its purpose?"

It may be just that “to wonder” where is God in these terrible times?  Or even to wonder why Jesus doesn’t come during these scary moments and restore calm?  I wonder if these were the questions on the mind of Jesus' disciples, when one day Jesus and his disciples were taking a boat ride.  If you recall the scene from Matthew (8:24),   Jesus was fast asleep and a threatening summer storm swept over the boat--dropping fear and panic over the disciples.

With waves crashing over them, they thought they would drown.  It wasn’t even enough that Jesus was there and sleeping.  The disciples wanted Him awake and doing something.  They had to watch Jesus “fixing” the danger, before they could trust and feel safe.  For these disciples Trusting without watching wasn’t an option!

What is the lesson Jesus wants His followers to grasp from this story?  It is simple, but overwhelming.  Jesus, our savior and our friend, is forever caring and protecting us even when we don’t see Him.  God, Our Father, created us to be saved, not perish.  And Jesus' mission is to do the SAVING!

As in Matthew’s vivid story, Jesus is there like a 911 response call or EMS services quick arrival.  Jesus goes to work immediately on whatever pain, hurt or personal tragedy befalls us.  St. Francis de Sales explains it this way: “Either He (Jesus) will take away our pain or He will give us the grace to endure it, so put aside all anxious cares or imaginations.”

We can be certain that Jesus stands ready always to fill our boat with the same peace He shared with the disciples during this alarming episode.  Instead of wrapping ourselves in fright, we should strive to open our hearts to hear Jesus softly saying, “Quiet my peace is with you.”  And we can always rest assured it is.

But even more so, we have to trust Jesus– and bravely let Him "sleep" through it.

“How do I love you, let me count the ways…”

“How do I love you, let me count the ways…”

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